Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Getting Back to Hormonal Balance with PASCOFEMIN® and Pascoe Canada - Part 3 - Final Thoughts

Before I started writing this series of blog posts about PASCOFEMIN®, a product created by Pascoe Canada, I never really focused on discussing feminine issues in a public forum. After writing my posts, I see the importance of bringing light to topics like these, and providing insight and tips on how to cope with symptoms of hormonal imbalance brought on by menstruation or menopause. If I can reach out to a single person and offer some useful information, I know I have done a good thing!

In this final post, I am sharing my thoughts on PASCOFEMIN®, how it has helped me, and my personal tips on how to maintain balance by living a happier and healthier lifestyle.

In my previous posts, I discussed how I have struggled with symptoms from menstruation that have made me suffer from hormonal imbalance. There is nothing worse than dealing with painful cramps, irritability, bloating and weight gain! Thankfully, I have had some help in the form of PASCOFEMIN®. Over the past few months, I have seen an improvement in the balance in my life, both physically and emotionally. My mood swings have decreased, and the discomfort I have felt is not as severe.

One of the things I am happiest about is reducing the amount of over the counter and prescription medication I have been taking since I started using PASCOFEMIN®. I have used medication for years to cope with my painful cramps, and always worry about becoming dependent on them long term. 

PASCOFEMIN® contains a combination of homeopathic remedies designed to safely and effectively relieve symptoms related to hormonal changes like menstruation or menopause. There are no known side effects, and can be used for girls aged 12 and older.

Finding hormonal and emotional balance takes time, and is not easy to establish. Here are some tips I have incorporated for regaining balance into my life when I suffer from symptoms during menstruation:
  • Find a way to remove toxins from your life. They can be physical or emotional. Living a toxic lifestyle can have a significant impact on the imbalance we may deal with on a regular basis. Life is way too short to focus on things that can impact you in a negative way.
  • Try to reduce the medications you take, and incorporate homeopathics like Agnus castus, Pulsatilla, and Cimicifuga. These will assist in balancing out nervousness and mood swings, relieve period cramps, and help with periods that are too light or heavy.
  • Integrate activities in your daily schedule to help you regain balance and keep you grounded. Yoga, meditation, reading, bubble baths, a long walk, meditation, talking to friends and family, or a vacation are great ways to rest and recharge your internal batteries!
  • Avoid foods that are high in fat. Cut out fatty cuts of beef, whole-milk dairy products, sausages and burgers, and switch to fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and lean cuts of beef and poultry.
  • Get a good night of sleep! Being well-rested is key for your body, mind, and soul.
  • Try to avoid being a ‘couch potato’ when you’re suffering from PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome). A 20-30-minute walk helps me to avoid snacking and watching TV. It also clears my head when feeling moody and irritable.
  • Drink plenty of water. This helps to flush out toxins and impurities in your body, and keep you hydrated.
Trying to find and maintain hormonal balance in our lives while dealing with symptoms related to menstruation and menopause isn’t easy. It takes time and perseverance, and there may be bumps along the way. I have experienced them myself on a regular basis, and have tried many different things in my quest for balance in my life.

For information on where to find PASCOFEMIN® in your area, click here .

I’m grateful for PASCOFEMIN®, and the opportunity to try something that has started to work for me. If you are struggling to find hormonal balance, and would like an alternative to prescription and over the counter medication, I recommend that you try PASCOFEMIN®.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this product! 

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post: however, the opinions expressed are entirely my own.